Nothing like the truth

Movies, TV, Spirituality, Politics

Thursday, July 20, 2006

It happened a few months back

The key for me was realizing that the pure awareness I sometimes experienced was not what the masters were pointing at. They were pointing at the constant existence/awareness that is present and necessary in every experience. This is what "I am" refers to. This coupled with seeing that the mental "I" is just an insubstantial thought led to the shift from the mental "I" to the being I've always been.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

First post

I've decided to start a blog to vent my ideas on a number of subjects of interest to me. I'm an avid video and television watcher, so, of course, these are 2 topics of interest.

Also, I was a longtime practitioner of Transcendental Meditation, which stoked my passion for spiritual knowledge and awakening. This also might be subjects I might attempt.

I'm an expert computer user, former programmer and current refurbisher of computers for the Peoples Resource Center that supplies computers, training, food and clothing for needy people in Dupage County, Illinois. I'm also a frequent listener of podcasts and vidcasts on computer topics.

Other interests include music (I play a number of instruments), books (I'm always reading 3-4 books at a time and listening to 0ne in my car) and science (I have a degree in physics).

I don't expect anyone to read this, so I'm doing this for my own edification.

I hope this a beginning, not an ending.